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Manage The Book.
Leverage Your Data.
Improve Results.
At Saltzman Insights, our data-driven services are designed by industry experts to help companies manage their annuity and life insurance programs holistically. We use customized technology platforms to combine industry expertise and empower firms to effectively manage their programs for the betterment of clients, advisors, and management.
Saltzman Insights provides data-driven services designed by industry experts, enabling companies to holistically manage their annuity and life insurance programs. We combine industry expertise with customized technology platforms to empower firms to effectively manage their programs for the betterment of clients, advisors and management.
Our solutions provide comprehensive insight into your data -- from the aggregate to the detailed -- with a set of tools tailored to your firm’s needs. Currently, Saltzman Insights offers two software as a service (SaaS) products and those are Distributor Insights and Partner Portal.

Saltzman Insights provides data-driven services designed by industry experts, enabling companies to manage their annuity and life insurance programs holistically. We combine industry expertise with customized technology platforms to empower firms to effectively manage their programs for the betterment of clients, advisors and management.
Our solutions provide comprehensive insight into your data-- from the aggregate to the detailed-- with a set of tools tailored to your firm’s needs.
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